Street vendors currently prohibited on Beach Street and could face misdemeanor tickets
SANTA CRUZ, Calif. (KION--TV) -- Street vendors could be subject to a permit process in Santa Cruz as the city tries to balance the reopening of businesses and potential overcrowding near vendors due to the tourists coming to the city.
According to the city they're working on a pilot program limiting permitted vendors to designated areas of the 2021 tourist season.
Street vendors are currently prohibited at areas including Beach Street, Santa Cruz Municipal Wharf, West Cliff Drive, Main Beach and Cowell Beach.
The city states their objective is to prevent COVID-19 spread caused by overcrowding, with many tourists now flocking to the area following reopening.
The city's website states vendors violating the rule could face a ticket for a misdemeanor.
Today at 5 and 6 p.m. KION's Jocelyn Ortega speaks with local street vendors to hear their reaction.