Abandoned premature seal pup rescued at Point Lobos
A premature abandoned seal pup has been rescued from Point Lobos.
Officials with the Harbor Seals of Pacific Grove say after two days of monitoring, the pup was rescued by the Marine Mammal Center.
The pup was monitored to see if the mom was returning to it, but no mom ever came back. Luckily for this pup, it was found in an area that the Marine Mammal Center could rescue it and did so Monday.
The Marine Mammal Center says, "It's important to emphasize that if you see a pup like this that is alone, do not approach it, do not take 'just one quick selfie!' with it, and especially do not touch or pick it up. Pups' immune systems get their start from their mom's milk. So, when the pup is very young, its immune system isn't strong yet. When you handle the pup, you risk making the pup sick, or even killing it."
We're pulling for you, little pup!