Sand City police looking for two with outstanding warrants who may have left state

SAND CITY, Calif. (KION) Police in Sand City are looking for two people with outstanding warrants who they believe may have left the state.
Police said they are looking for Jeremy Ray and Stephane Andersen-Torres. Ray has four outstanding warrants and Torres, his girlfriend, has eight.
Sand City police arrested both of them in March 2018 on Del Monte Boulevard. Officers said they had meth, drug paraphernalia and stolen documents that included driver licenses, social security cards, credit cards and state benefits cards belonging to eight people.
During that investigation, police said they found that both of them used forged checks at the Costco stores in Sand City, Salinas and Santa Cruz to get $20,000 worth of merchandise.
Anyone who sees Ray or Torres is asked to contact their local law enforcement agency.