Recap: President Biden addresses the nation amid raging fires in Los Angeles

LOS ANGELES, Calif. (KION-TV) -- Biden addressed the nation Thursday, calling the Los Angeles fires a "national disaster."
He said that he not only approved Newsom's request for funding from 75 % to 90% coverage, but that the White House "will cover 100% of the cost over 180 days for emergency response."
He said that they are doing everything that they can on a federal level, bringing multiple agencies together as well.
Biden said that the number one focus is on containing the three fires still blazing in Los Angeles.
"The power had to be shut off because of worries that lines will be blown down and spark fire," said Biden. "When Cal Fire did that, it caused a lack of water. Soon there will not be a shortage of water."
He said that there are 400 additional federal firefighters, 30 aircrafts and 500 wildfire ground clearing personnel deployed to help in L.A.
"We expect there may be a temporary break in the winds, although winds are likely to continue into next week," said Biden. "We are finding every resource appropriate to help."
He said that large areas have burned to the ground and that FEMA is working with the state to help residents get shelter and groceries. "FEMA director on the ground in Los Angeles surveying what's going on," according to Biden.
Biden spoke directly to the people of Los Angeles: "You're going through a nightmare, I know. We are with you, we're not going anywhere."
He also made a special shout-out to the firefighters battling these fires: "Firefighters are out there risking their lives while their own homes are in danger, their families are in danger. They are literally running into these flames. We owe you.
"This is the most widespread and devastating fire in Cailfornia's history," said Biden.