Ribbon cutting ceremony kicks off new downtown Salinas

SALINAS, Calif. (KION-TV) The ribbon is cut, ushering in a new era for Oldtown Salinas.
Under a brand new rotary arch, city officials, local groups and residents all gathered to witness the historic moment after months of construction and dealing with the COVID-19 pandemic.
The physical work of revitalizing downtown Salinas has been a year in the making, and while businesses and restaurants felt the impacts of construction during the economic downturn of the past year, now they get to celebrate the end product.
"The sign looks great. It gives a little flare to downtown Salinas," said Paulo Kautz, the owner of Patria.
"I look forward to seeing it lit up at night. I haven't been down here," said Regina Gage, a North Monterey County resident.
With its big, bold lettering and industrial-style beams, the brand new Salinas Rotary Arch is sure to make an impression on anyone visiting downtown.
"That's what I see the most with the arch and all of the renovations.. is that they care and they want to help businesses be successful here and get more people down here," said Laurie Bend, a Monterey resident.
That is the hope the city has too at least. Revitalizing downtown with new sidewalks and benches, two-way traffic and crowned by a magnificent arch, it's an effort the mayor says will bring in more business.
"I would say we're definitely on the cusp of really having a thriving downtown. Businesses are coming in, investment into the properties is coming in," said Salinas Mayor Kimbley Craig.
It is leaving many more feeling optimistic about the post-pandemic future.
"I think the business is going to get better and better. There's going to be new businesses coming into town," said Kautz.
"I think it's a vibrant, diverse community. Not that I don't love Carmel and Monterey, but I think Salinas is the most diverse area of this whole county," said Gage.
The celebrations are not over just yet. This weekend, there will be more festivities and live music to support the local businesses in downtown.